Jackson's Own #12 Hot Chili Oil

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  • Regular price $18.00


Part of our plan when opening the store was to create and an entire line of specialty foods and self-care products.  We were able to secure a reliable supplier for Certified ORGANIC Extra Virgin Olive Oil. We were also able to secure an VCH approved commissary to prepare our own HOT CHILI OIL with locally bought ingredients. 

Mike worked with his daughter Soledad to prepare small batch 250ml bottles of our secret recipe! So yummy! Use it on Pizza, pasta, meats, BBQ, just about anything.

INGREDIENTS: (12 to be exact)

We'll be releasing a smaller 120ml batch in May. 

TUNISIAN certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Rosemary, black peppercorns, thyme, coriander, chili flakes, oregano, juniper berries, marjoram, a fresh twig if Rosemary, and a whole red caliente chili pepper & love.